Hi There

Hello! Welcome to my little corner of the internet. I am currently a week and a half out from donating my kidney to my dad... usually referred to as Nice Guy.

My vision for this blog is to serve a few purposes:

1. My own personal journal during this journey. I want to remember the little details, the awkward doctor visits, the amount of patience I have had to learn, and how I can see God's hand working miracles in my life.

2. A place for potential/future donors: I want this to be detailed, like the awkward-I'm-feeling-uncomfortable-detailed, or better yet a rabbit-hole-you-find-yourself-engulfed-in-that-you-leave-feeling-like-you-donated-your-own-kidney-and-could-possibly-now-be-considered-a-doctor-detailed. But to be a resource for others because there is something so beautiful and valuable in sharing our stories that hospital websites just don't quite have.

 3. Update for friends and family. Not everyone has Facebook or Instagram. This such seems like a place that everyone can have access too.

Up until this point I have been sharing little pieces of the evaluation and testing process on my Instagram stories and have saved those to blog here with details from the beginning of it all.

Please don't hesitate to reach out or ask questions!



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