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Dating in 2018

Update: I feel I need to mention that I am not directing this at guys only by any means. I think that both guys and girls have similar frustrations about these same issues. We've ALL (including married) played a part in how dating has evolved with social media and expectations. And yes, I also have positive dating experiences, where it just simply doesn't work out and we are now friends! But how do we change it? It starts by putting down our phones, giving our full attention to those around us, honest communication and finding happiness in our everyday life. And stop making someone a priority who is only making you an option.  *picture credit from google To the person who asks “why are you still single?” I thought it would be best to just update this letter from 2016 I wrote to inform you why, sparing us both an awkward conversation. It's always the same.... "You are so amazing, why hasn't anyone snatched you up?" And I am writing t...

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